

ONLY the good rockers die young. Geniuses at 27.
At 4.45pm South African time, Saturday, the Southgate, London-born white chick with that black voice – old soul – Amy Winehouse joined Curt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Brian Jones. They were all 27 at death. And their deaths were assumed to be drug-related. Why there's a spike in rock deaths at 27 (wikipedia it - there's a long list) we'll never know. Winehouse impacted on the music world with her monster 2006 Back To Black CD. Her Rehab song has close to 8 million hits on youtube. True to the song the Valerie, Tears Dry on Their Own and Love Is A Losing Game crooner's been in rehab around four times. She would've turned 28 on 14 September. A waste of talent. Yet a talent arguably drug-fuelled too.
 Said mum Janis Winehouse in 2008: “I realise my daughter could be dead within the year. We're watching her kill herself, slowly. I've already come to terms with her dead. I've steeled myself to ask her what ground she wants to be buried in, which cemetery.
"Because the drugs will get her if she stays on this road...It's like watching a car crash - this person throwing all these gifts away."
And no thanks to her early demise - and a no-brainer this was bound to have happened - Amy Winehouse's iconic  status in rock and roll has been guaranteed.

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